Ihr Arzt: Saleh Farag

Facharzt für Neurochirurgie und Wirbelsäulenchirurgie

   Facharzt  für Neurochirurgie seit 2002. Studium Humanmedizin in Heidelberg 1996.  Leitender Oberarzt mit Chefarzt sowie Chefarztvertretung im Ausland.  Zuletzt leitender Oberarzt mit Chefarztvertretung am Klinikum Bad Hersfeld. 


&  Infection Diseases 2nd Meeting,  Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences, Umm  Al Qura University Microbiology and Communicable Diseases Conference  Held at King Abdullah Medical City, Holy Makkah 19-21 Jumada Al Awal  1431 (3-5 May 2010). 34. Certificate of Attendance the 4th Annual Meeting of the Saudi  Association of Neurological Surgery 18-19 May 2010. Conducted at the  Intercontinental Hotel-Jeddah Saudi Arabia. 35.Certificate of Attendance of Bronchial Asthma Day 2010 held at Ibn  Sienna, Postgraduate Studies, Training and Research Centre, Al Noor  Specialist Hospital. 36. Certificate for successfully attended the Easy Go! Hands-On Workshop  Endoscopic Approaches to the Cervical and Lumbar Spine from 10-12 June  2010 Mainz Germany. 37. Certificate of Attendance Hands – On Training on Vector Vision  Navigation Systems I. Plan cranial, Spine, DBC. IG-Sonic, Image Fusion  Brain Suit and Radiotherapy Digital light box on June 14th /15th 2010. 

38.Certificate for successfully attended Clinical Workshop of Endoscopic Neurosurgery from 26-27 August 2010 in Mainz Germany. 39.Certificate of Attendance The 8th Pan Arab Neurosurgical Society Congress 26-29 November,2010 in Algiers. 40 . Certificate of Attendance The 4th Annual Makkah Trauma Surgery  Symposium and Medical Exhibition At Al-ZekraAl-Khalida. Makkah  16-18.04.2011. 41. Certificate of Attendance Training course Leica Microsystem Medical Division Leica M525 OH4 and Leica M720 OH5 – Neuro/ENT 42. Certificate of Attendance Hands on Training on Vector Vision  Navigation Systems I. Plan cranial, Spine and Brain suite i CT & MRI  on July 04 to06, 2011. 43. Certificate of Attendance 2nd Makkah International Radiology  Conference on 26 – 28. September .2011. at: Grand Coral Hotel, Makkah Al  Mukarramah.

Zahlreiche Publikationen u.a.: 1. Co-author Poster in Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery in the  Development Countries 5th International Congress on  Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery Cairo, Egypt (15 March 2001) 2. Endoscopic Surgery and Endoscopic Decompression of the Peripheral Nerve Journal of Neurosurgery (7/2002) 3. Co-author Article (in Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery  Volume 45/2002). Treatment by Decompression without  Transposition of Ulnar Nerve.

1. Certificate of Appreciation  from King Abdul-Aziz Medical City for Valuable Contribution as  Coordinator and Speaker of the Neuroendoscopy Workshop Conducted at the  King Fahd National Guard Hospital Postgraduate Training Center, Riyadh,  Saudi Arabia from 14th – 15th December 2002. 2. The 2. Endoscopy course on 24th.–25th.April.04 in King Abdul-Aziz  Medical City for Valuable Contribution as Coordinator and Speaker For 30  Minutes about “Third ventricle Anatomy and Surrounding structures “at  The King Fahd National Guard Hospital Postgraduate Training Centre,  Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. 3. Lecture in Al-Noor specialist Hospital about Neuroendoscopy and  “Anatomy of the Third Ventricle and Surrounding Structures “. On 13  January 2008. 4 . Certificate of Appreciation for In valuable Contribution as Speaker  in The recently held Symposium on Basic Care for Acute Stroke on The 7-8  of November 2009. 5. Certificate of Attendance of 4th Gazan Ophthalmology Symposium and  Contribution as Speaker in King Fahd Central Hospital in Gazan Saudi  Arabia on February 03, 2010. 6. Certificate of Participated as Speaker In the 4th Annual Makkah  Trauma Surgery Symposium and Medical Exhibition At Al-ZekraAl-Khalida.  Makkah 6-18.04.2011.

Facharzt  für Neurochirurgie seit 2002. Studium Humanmedizin in Heidelberg 1996.  Leitender Oberarzt mit Chefarzt sowie Chefarztvertretung im Ausland.  Zuletzt leitender Oberarzt mit Chefarztvertretung am Klinikum Bad  Hersfeld. 

  • Berufserfahrung I
  • Berufserfahrung II
  • Publikationen
  • Ehrungen
  • Mitgliedschaft
  •  Neurosurgical and endoscopic  Neurosurgical Preparation Completed by Endoscope – assisted  microsurgical Preparation in Anatomic specimens in the Anatomic  Institute of the University of Vienna (14 –31.July 1999) 2. 1st International Congress of Minimally invasive Neurosurgery Frankfurt, Germany (10-12.06.1989) 3. Basic and Training Course for Neuroendoscopie Mainz, Germany (2 –5.11.1989) 4. Microsurgery of the Cervical Spine Vienna, Austria (1 / 3. July 1999) 5. Advanced Neuroendoscopy Training Course Mainz, Germany (17 – 18. September 1999) 6. 1st European Symposium on Computer Aided Surgery in Otorhinolaryngology Mainz, Germany 9 – 10 April 1999. 7. Microsurgical Approach (Preparation – Course) Anterior Fossa Mainz, Germany (28– 9 October 1999) 8. Microsurgical Approach  (Preparation –Course) Middle Fossa Mainz, Germany (25 –27 September 1999). 9. Microsurgical Approach (Preparation –Course) Posterior Fossa Mainz, Germany(15–17 October 1999) 10. Keyhole Concept in Neurosurgery Hands-On Workshop Mainz, Germany (24- 30May 2000) 11. 5th International Congress on Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery Cairo, Egypt (12 –15 March 2001 12. 4th Microsurgical Workshop Vienna,Austria (12-15 September 2001) 13. Teilnahmebescheinigun am Ausbildungsseminar für Transplantationsbeauftragte am 14 und 15 März 2002 in Bodenheim 

1.14. Certificate of Appreciation from King Abdulaziz Medical City for  Valuable Contribution as Coordinator and Speaker of the Neuroendoscopy  Workshop Conducted at the King Fahd National Guard Hospital Postgraduate  Training Center, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Von 14 – 15 Dezember 2002. 15. 2. Frankfurter Hands On Workshop Brust und Lendenwirbelsäule  Anterior und posterior Stabilisierungsverfahren 13.-14.Februar 2004  Frankfurt. 16. Certificate of Appreciation from King Abdulaziz Medical City for  Valuable Contribution as Coordinator and Speaker of The Neuroendoscopy  Workshop Conducted at the King Fahad National Guard Hospital Postgraduate Training Center, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (24th –25th of April 2004 ). 17. Teilnahme am Kongress Kindliche ZNSFehlbildungen– Chirurgische Behandlung und Prognose in Erfurt vom 04-05.06.04. 18. Brain Lab spine Masters Europe. Educational Program for Image-guided surgery on 14th and 15th May 2004. 19. Hands on Training on Vector Vision Navigation Systems I. Plan cranial, Spine And Radiotherapy on March21st/22nd 2005. 20. Endoscopy course of the Spine on 13th To14th January 2006 in Herne / Köln Germany. .

21. Certificate of Attendance 1st Makkah Conference on Recent Advances on Radiology 12 – 14.10.2009. In Makkah Al Mukarramah. 22. Certificate of Attendance the Annual Hajj Health Symposium  entitled,“Disaster Management in Hajj”  held at Ibn Sienna, Postgraduate  Studies Training and Research Center, Al Noor Specialist Hospital. 23. Certificate of Attendance of 4th Gazan Ophthalmology Symposium and  Contribution as Speaker in King Fahd Central Hospital in Gazan Saudi  Arabia on February 03, 2010. 24. Certificate of  Attendance the 1st Pain Management Symposium in Grand  Coral Hotel in Makkah Almukarramah from 22-23 February 2010. 32. Certificate of Attendance of 3rd International  Conference of  Osteoporosis In Grand Coral Hotel in Makkah Almukarramah from 12-15  April 2010 33.  Certificate of Attending the 6th Annual Conference of Holy Makkah  Laboratories 4th Meeting Saudi Society for Medical Microbiology 

Unser Team

Saleh Farag

Facharzt für Neurochirurgie 


Fatimah Gaderi

Praxis Management

Yaser Farag 
